Flute Lessons

Discover the ancient wisdom of the Native American Flute and explore the higher realms through sacred sound.

In our playful sessions, I'll be your guide in mastering the art of playing the Native American flute with a spark of inspiration. Together, we'll dive deep into understanding this sacred instrument, fostering a strong bond and unlocking its secrets.

We'll venture into a realm of unique breathing techniques, harmonizing your music with your inner groove and letting your creativity flow freely.

In my eyes, when the flute whispers to your soul, it's like a cosmic high-five, urging you to craft beautiful melodies not just for yourself but to serenade others, nature, and the whole universe. It's a melody that springs straight from your heart.

My aim is to craft each session as a delightful experience, igniting the spark within you and leaving you eager to explore your musical muse. For those hungry for more, additional sessions can unveil advanced flute wizardry, syncing you and your flute in perfect harmony for effortless playing pleasure.

Our sessions run for a harmonious 1-hour duration, conducted via Zoom or in person (if you're in the area) for a breezy and accessible learning adventure. And hey, our chatter will dance in English to ensure we're vibing on the same musical wavelength.

If you're interested in getting a flute for practice and enjoyment, check out my curated selection of handmade flutes on the offerings page above.

Ready to make music magic together? Let's jam!

Single 1-1 Lesson

In this personalized 1-hour one-on-one Native American Flute lesson, you'll learn fundamental techniques such as hand placement, Breathing techniques, Flute care, cultivating a deep connection with the instrument, and increasing your ability to create captivating melodies.

3 Lessons

Receive personalized one-on-one guidance in three 1-hour lessons to explore Native American Flute fundamentals and more. Develop a deep connection with the instrument, mastering techniques like breathing techniques such as vibrato, and a blend of rhythm and melodic patterns to create an enchanting flow that expands your musical expression.

10 Lessons

Embark on a transformative journey with ten one-on-one comprehensive 1-hour Native American Flute lessons. Get personalized guidance on intricate playing techniques, including beginner-advanced breathing techniques, new rhythm/melody patterns, and improvisation. Deepen your connection with the Native American Flute & unleash your full musical potential.

Ginta Bogdanova

“From our very first flute lesson, I sensed that this journey would be far more profound than simply learning to play an instrument. It has been a voyage into the depths of myself, uncovering aspects I didn’t know existed. It felt as though you were guiding me back home—to my heart, where my true colors and essence reside. This journey has also been a healing exploration for my inner child, revealing the lightness and joy of playing free from mental constraints.

Meeting you, Taylor, has been transformative. While "Taylor Sol" is your name, I would add "soil" because your presence and energy field are like fertile ground—nurturing and rich, enabling us to emerge from darkness and bloom into our fullest expression. Your approach isn’t about proving or pushing something that isn’t there but rather about embracing our true selves, even when we’re unsure of who we are. You have a remarkable ability to recognize and gather these hidden parts of me, allowing me to fully own and integrate them.

I cherished every moment of your presence so much that I would gladly continue flute lessons just to spend time with you, haha. Your presence alone is deeply nurturing and healing. After just six hours with you, I feel like a completely transformed person. Thank you, Taylor, for being wholly yourself so I can be fully me too. You provided the structure to my flow, and I am profoundly grateful for everything you have shared and taught. These six hours were undeniably some of the most special of my life, leaving a lasting imprint on my soul’s journey. Forever grateful, beautiful spirit. Sending you much love”.

Feel your true expression come alive on the Native American Flute. Feel your unique flow.